Wheeling, WV Weddings

15 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 15 florists serving Ohio County, WV, including Wheeling, West Liberty, Triadelphia, and Valley Grove, West Virginia.

View All 15 Wheeling Florists

Featured Florists Serving Wheeling:

1  Alex's Flowers

Pittsburgh Florist

  • Alex's Flowers - Pittsburgh PA Wedding

2  Bettis Floral Event Design

West Mifflin Florist

Bettis Floral Event Design is a comprehensive event design company in Pittsburgh. We believe a wedding is not just an event, they are works of art. At Bettis Floral Event Design, wedding stylists are artisans, creating the perfect atmosphere for any wedding thru their enviable eye for colour, coordination and style.

  • Bettis Floral Event Design - West Mifflin PA Wedding

3  Gidas Flowers

Pittsburgh Florist

Gidas Flowers offers a gorgeous selection of bridal bouquets, floral cake decorations, wedding ceremony flowers and centerpieces to fit any budget. Whether your wedding is a spring, summer, fall or winter event, simple or elaborate – we can provide bright, beautiful flowers to make the day unforgettable.

  • Gidas Flowers - Pittsburgh PA Wedding

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