Parkersburg, WV Weddings

12 Wedding Florists

WedFolio has 12 florists serving Wood County, WV, including Parkersburg, Mineral Wells, Vienna, Waverly, Belleville, and Walker, West Virginia.

View All 12 Parkersburg Florists

Featured Florists Serving Parkersburg:

1  Fifth Ave. Floral Co.

Columbus Florist

  • Fifth Ave. Floral Co. - Columbus OH Wedding

2  Posy Florals

Columbus Florist

  • Posy Florals - Columbus OH Wedding

3  Griffin's Floral Design

Columbus Florist

Griffins Floral Designs is a well established retail florist specializing in weddings and events and leading e-commerce web technology in the floral industry throughout Central Ohio. Apple Blossom Flowers & Darla's Apple Blossom Flowers is now part of the Griffin's Floral Design Group.

  • Griffin's Floral Design - Columbus OH Wedding

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