Martinsburg, WV Weddings

20 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 20 florists serving Berkeley County, WV, including Martinsburg, Hedgesville, Gerrardstown, Bunker Hill, Inwood, and Glengary, West Virginia.

View All 20 Martinsburg Florists

Featured Florists Serving Martinsburg:

1  Rose Florist

Fairfax Florist

Rose Florist proudly serves Northern Virginia and around the country. We are a family owned and operated company. Rose Florist have been selected the ONLY Master Florist By FTD in the Fairfax area. We are committed to offering only the finest Quality Flowers, exquisite arrangements and gifts, backed by service that is friendly and professional.

  • Rose Florist - Fairfax VA Wedding

2  Depot Florist

Martinsburg Florist

Depot Florist is owned and operated by Pam Wagoner, a professionally-trained floral designer since 1978. Founded in 1998, Depot Florist purchased and moved to it’s current location at the corner of West King Street and Tuskegee Drive.

  • Depot Florist - Martinsburg WV Wedding

3  Green Arbor Flower and Shrubbery Center

Waynesboro Florist

Green Arbor has been designing wedding flowers for 35 years and offers a FREE wedding consultation, where you can sit with the Wedding Coordinator, Laura Shaffer, to review your ideas and look thru wedding books.

  • Green Arbor Flower and Shrubbery Center - Waynesboro PA Wedding

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