Charleston, WV Weddings

9 Wedding Caterers

WedFolio has 9 caterers serving Kanawha County, WV, including Charleston, Cabin Creek, Dunbar, Gallagher, Hugheston, and Nitro, West Virginia.

View All 9 Charleston Caterers

Featured Caterers Serving Charleston:

1  Bon Appetit

Huntington Caterer

  • Bon Appetit - Huntington WV Wedding

2  India Garden Restaurant

Blacksburg Caterer

India Garden Restaurant is also remarkably versatile. Meat lovers will savor our lamb, chicken and beef entrees, whether grilled Tandoori-style or simmered in one of our sauces. Catering available for all events.

  • India Garden Restaurant - Blacksburg VA Wedding

3  Elegant Eats Catering

Circleville Caterer

  • Elegant Eats Catering - Circleville OH Wedding

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