Yakima, WA Weddings

15 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 15 florists serving Yakima County, WA, including Yakima, Grandview, Naches, Tieton, Cowiche, and Mabton, Washington.

View All 15 Yakima Florists

Featured Florists Serving Yakima:

1  Countryside Floral & Garden

Issaquah Florist

Since 1984 Countryside Floral and Garden in Issaquah, WA has been providing service as the premier florist in our extensive delivery area. We offer same day delivery of everything you send, from gorgeous flower arrangements to gourmet gift baskets to stunning dish gardens and house plants. Each flower gift you send from Countryside floral and Garden is backed by our unwavering satisfaction guarantee.

  • Countryside Floral & Garden - Issaquah WA Wedding

2  Fleur de lis Floral & Event Design

Chelan Florist

  • Fleur de lis Floral & Event Design - Chelan WA Wedding

3  Buds & Blooms

Tacoma Florist

Buds & Blooms, your Tacoma, WA wedding florist, offers a wide selection of bridal bouquets, wedding ceremony flowers, floral cake decorations, & centerpieces to fit any budget. We are family owned and operated with 1 location serving the Tacoma area.

  • Buds & Blooms - Tacoma WA Wedding

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