Olympia, WA Weddings

11 Wedding Videographers

WedFolio has 11 videographers serving Thurston County, WA, including Olympia, Lacey, Rainier, Tumwater, Bucoda, and Rochester, Washington.

View All 11 Olympia Videographers

Featured Videographers Serving Olympia:

1  Turning Leaf Productions

Olympia Videographer

Turning Leaf Productions produces professional videos. We specialize in promotional videos, event videography and wedding videos.

  • Turning Leaf Productions - Olympia WA Wedding

2  Magnus DJ Seattle

Renton Videographer

A picture is worth a thousand words…A video is made up of 30 frames a second…that makes a one hour Wedding Video WORTH ONE MILLION WORDS. Most couples say their wedding day flashes by in such a whirlwind, they can’t remember many of the things that were said, or recall the details of special moments: walking down the aisle; the cake cutting; their first dance; toasts by friends, let alone those special vows spoken to each other during the ceremony. Only video can capture these moments.

  • Magnus DJ Seattle - Renton WA Wedding

3  A Video Presence

Burley Videographer

(5 reviews)

Dave McKnew has been producing videos since 1993! A wedding video is a family heirloom and should be produced as such. Preparing for the ceremony, exchanging of vows and rings, the kiss, the reception. A wedding video should be filmed in such a way to cause you to reach for a tissue box to dry your eyes from the tears of joy, then I know I have done my job.

  • A Video Presence - Burley WA Wedding

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