Ellensburg, WA Weddings

3 Wedding Ceremony Musicians

WedFolio has 3 ceremony musicians serving Kittitas County, WA, including Ellensburg, Ronald, Easton, Thorp, Roslyn, and Kittitas, Washington.

View All 3 Ellensburg Ceremony Musicians

Featured Ceremony Musicians Serving Ellensburg:

1  Chelsea Spence, Harpist

Kennewick Ceremony Musician

  • Chelsea Spence, Harpist - Kennewick WA Wedding

2  Seattle's Bagpiper Neil Hubbard

Kirkland Ceremony Musician

Celebrate your Celtic-Irish-Scottish-British roots with the evocative sound of the Great Highland Bagpipe in your wedding ceremony. Neil Hubbard has been providing high quality Scottish bagpiping in the Seattle, WA area since 1990. His professional presentations have enhanced wedding ceremonies, receptions, rehearsal dinners, & brought a high level of traditional honor & pageantry many other events. Neil has been the Resident Piper at the Golf Club at Newcastle since 2004. Contact Neil today!

  • Seattle's Bagpiper Neil Hubbard - Kirkland WA Wedding
  • Seattle's Bagpiper Neil Hubbard - Kirkland WA Wedding  Photo 2
  • Seattle's Bagpiper Neil Hubbard - Kirkland WA Wedding  Photo 3
  • Seattle's Bagpiper Neil Hubbard - Kirkland WA Wedding  Photo 4

3  Bottom Line Duo

Seattle Ceremony Musician

The Bottom Line Duo is an exciting and popular bass and cello duo renowned in the Pacific Northwest. There is no wedding too large or small or outside of our comfort zone. Love is the common denominator.

  • Bottom Line Duo - Seattle WA Wedding

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