Bellingham, WA Weddings

43 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 43 florists serving Whatcom County, WA, including Bellingham, Blaine, Everson, Nooksack, Custer, and Lynden, Washington.

View All 43 Bellingham Florists

Featured Florists Serving Bellingham:

1  Flowers by Karen

Monroe Florist

  • Flowers by Karen - Monroe WA Wedding

2  Belle Flora

Bellingham Florist

Our knowledgable staff of designers has over 50 years of combined experience. Each gift is professionally designed and delivered to ensure the highest level of quality and service. Your satisfaction is always guaranteed!

  • Belle Flora - Bellingham WA Wedding

3  Fena Flowers

Kirkland Florist

  • Fena Flowers - Kirkland WA Wedding

4  Ring Around The Rose

Edmonds Florist

We LOVE to design Wedding Flowers with Passion! Designer,Lorie Britton will collaborate with exciting ideas to compliment your style.You will swoon with the vast array of vases & prop to choose from & she is armed with recommendations for other creative vendors that will complete your vision.Whether you select ala carte options for delivery & installation or the worry free choice of pick up & break down at the end of your event,you will have the luxury of first class service all the way!

  • Ring Around The Rose - Edmonds WA Wedding

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