Richmond, VA Weddings

26 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 26 florists serving Richmond City, VA, including Richmond, University of Richmond, Virginia.

View All 26 Richmond Florists

Featured Florists Serving Richmond:

1  Finishing Touch FLower Shop

Fredericksburg Florist

When you call your local florist, they are able to help you make an informed decision about your flower selection. If you are looking for flowers that will last longer, we can help you. If you are looking for an easy care plant, we can make some suggestions. We also have a large section of gift items.

  • Finishing Touch FLower Shop - Fredericksburg VA Wedding

2  Black Creek Flowers & Sweets

Mechanicsville Florist

With so many flowers to choose from, it is easy to become overwhelmed. We are here to guide you through the process, and will make sure that your day is as special as you have always dreamed.

  • Black Creek Flowers & Sweets - Mechanicsville VA Wedding

3  Graceful Designs

Hampton Florist

Graceful Designs is a full service floral company known for floral details of color and texture that make your personal event an elegant and and unforgettable affair! We specialize in long distance planning for brides that are not local to the area.

  • Graceful Designs - Hampton VA Wedding

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