Manassas, VA Weddings

17 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 17 florists serving Manassas Park City, VA, Virginia.

View All 17 Manassas Florists

Featured Florists Serving Manassas:

1  Rose Florist

Fairfax Florist

Rose Florist proudly serves Northern Virginia and around the country. We are a family owned and operated company. Rose Florist have been selected the ONLY Master Florist By FTD in the Fairfax area. We are committed to offering only the finest Quality Flowers, exquisite arrangements and gifts, backed by service that is friendly and professional.

  • Rose Florist - Fairfax VA Wedding

2  MultiFlor

Fairfax Florist

With a portfolio of 30-40 weddings annually, MultiFlor is considered one of the top wedding florists in the city. Not only does MultiFlor create stunning floral designs for your special event but we also provide a vast inventory of containers, props and lighting to assist in customizing your look.

  • MultiFlor - Fairfax VA Wedding

3  Exotica Florist, Inc.

Fairfax Florist

  • Exotica Florist, Inc. - Fairfax VA Wedding

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