Manassas, VA Weddings

36 Wedding Caterers

WedFolio has 36 caterers serving Manassas Park City, VA, Virginia.

View All 36 Manassas Caterers

Featured Caterers Serving Manassas:

1  Ridgewells Catering

Bethesda Caterer

  • Ridgewells Catering - Bethesda MD Wedding

2  Firefly

Washington Caterer

  • Firefly - Washington DC Wedding

3  Celebrations Catering

Sterling Caterer

Founded in 1985 by David Weinschel and Douglas Armstrong, Celebrations Catering began operating as a humble retail storefront serving local business people in Northern Virginia. Customer demand created the necessity for a Corporate Catering and a Special Events division. Fabulous meals and memorable events are created with quality ingredients, skillful preparation and artistic presentation.

  • Celebrations Catering - Sterling VA Wedding

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