San Angelo, TX Weddings

3 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 3 florists serving Tom Green County, TX, including San Angelo, Mereta, Goodfellow AFB, Wall, Carlsbad, and Vancourt, Texas.

View All 3 San Angelo Florists

Featured Florists Serving San Angelo:

1  Shirley Floral Co & Greenhouse

San Angelo Florist

Shirley Floral Company is widely known as the best, and most creative flower shop and delivery service in the Concho Valley specializing in new and unique flower arrangements, dish gardens, and gourmet fruit and snack baskets. We take pride in our work while producing cutting edge design for businesses, restaurants, hotels, offices, boutiques, country clubs and individual home decor.

  • Shirley Floral Co & Greenhouse - San Angelo TX Wedding

2  Blumenhandler Florist & Gifts

Fredericksburg Florist

We do not make two Bridal Bouquets alike. We specially make each Bride's Bouquet to fit each Bride. If you have any questions or would like to set up a Consultation- please call us to speak with one of our Wedding Consultants.

  • Blumenhandler Florist & Gifts - Fredericksburg TX Wedding

3  Friendly Flower Shop

San Angelo Florist

Established in 1943, Owned by Scott & Christi Yancey TMFA. We continue to provide personal service beyond expectation. Our friendly, caring staff goes that extra mile to make your experience great. Anniversaries, Birthday, Sympathy, Wedding, or just to brighten someone's day, you can trust us with all your floral needs.

  • Friendly Flower Shop - San Angelo TX Wedding

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