Galveston, TX Weddings

17 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 17 florists serving Galveston County, TX, including Galveston, Texas City, Friendswood, Santa Fe, League City, and High Island, Texas.

View All 17 Galveston Florists

Featured Florists Serving Galveston:

1  The Bloom Room

Houston Florist

The Bloom Rooms focus is to design and decorate your event so that it reflects your unique personality to create everlasting memories. We strive to design fabulous events, floral arrangements, tablescapes, centerpieces and rental decor that not only reflect the latest trends but goes beyond to set the trends.

  • The Bloom Room - Houston TX Wedding

2  Petal Bucket Floral Design

Dickinson Florist

Alma gives impeccable attention to detail in her work and has more than 10 years of professional experience in the floral design field. She believes that customer service is the cornerstone to new relationships and great business. If a wedding or event is in your future plans, please take a moment to call or email us.

  • Petal Bucket Floral Design - Dickinson TX Wedding

3  Flora Bella Designs

Houston Florist

  • Flora Bella Designs - Houston TX Wedding

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