Abilene, TX Weddings

2 Wedding Caterers

WedFolio has 2 caterers serving Taylor County, TX, including Abilene, Ovalo, Lawn, Tye, Buffalo Gap, and Trent, Texas.

View All 2 Abilene Caterers

Featured Caterers Serving Abilene:

1  LoneStar CheeseBurger Company

San Angelo Caterer

Lonestar Cheeseburger Company is a cutting edge restaurant on wheels. Our mission is simple, Produce the best burgers, hotdogs, sandwiches and burritos in San Angelo, Texas. Lonestar Cheeseburger Company can cater any occasion.

  • LoneStar CheeseBurger Company - San Angelo TX Wedding

2  Celebraciones Bellas

San Angelo Caterer

From an intimate event to an occasion for hundreds, Celebraciones Bellas can help you provide your guests with the perfect catered meal.

  • Celebraciones Bellas - San Angelo TX Wedding

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