Dyersburg, TN Weddings

3 Wedding Ceremony Musicians

WedFolio has 3 ceremony musicians serving Dyer County, TN, including Dyersburg, Tigrett, Lenox, Bogota, Trimble, and Newbern, Tennessee.

View All 3 Dyersburg Ceremony Musicians

Featured Ceremony Musicians Serving Dyersburg:

1  Gallowglass Pipers

Mason Ceremony Musician

  • Gallowglass Pipers - Mason TN Wedding

2  The Sax Man

Memphis Ceremony Musician

  • The Sax Man - Memphis TN Wedding

3  Brio Strings Ensemble

Clarksville Ceremony Musician

Brio is a string ensemble for any occasion formed by the classically trained siblings of the Compton family. This seasoned ensemble has performed at a wide variety of venues including festivals, expos, private events, churches, weddings, benefit concerts and fairs.

  • Brio Strings Ensemble - Clarksville TN Wedding

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