Greenville, SC Weddings

27 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 27 florists serving Spartanburg County, SC, including Greenville, Spartanburg, Duncan, Clifton, Gramling, and Moore, South Carolina.

View All 27 Greenville Florists

Featured Florists Serving Greenville:

1  Dahlia a Florist

Greenville Florist

Your day will be just what you want it to be. We will take care of every detail, and make sure that your flowers will reflect your style. We want your guests to walk into your wedding, and notice the attention you put into your wedding style, and that it truly does reflect you and the groom. I feel no better compliment, than hearing a guest say, "this looks just like the bride and groom!"

  • Dahlia a Florist - Greenville SC Wedding

2  Renee Burroughs Design

Pendleton Florist

Renee Burroughs Design, Distinctive wedding floral design in the Upstate of South Carolina. Having a design team with a passion for your ideas, you can be assured this day will not be like any other wedding your guests will have attended this year. We are here to make your wedding uniquely your own.

  • Renee Burroughs Design - Pendleton SC Wedding

3  Liz Fox Designs

Greenville Florist

Your wedding is going to be an incredible day, reflecting your dreams and personality. Whether you are searching for a look that is modern, traditional, whimsical, sophisticated, or dramatic, we will help you make it happen. We will listen to your vision for your special day and turn into gorgeous floral arrangements that are uniquely YOU, whether you have very clear ideas about what you want or need help making a dream take shape.

  • Liz Fox Designs - Greenville SC Wedding

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