Uniontown, PA Weddings

6 Wedding Hair and Makeup Stylists

WedFolio has 6 hair and makeup stylists serving Fayette County, PA, including Uniontown, Brownfield, Mc Clellandtown, Connellsville, New Geneva, and Everson, Pennsylvania.

View All 6 Uniontown Hair and Makeup Stylists

Featured Hair and Makeup Stylists Serving Uniontown:

1  Pittsburgh Makeup by Julie Marckisotto

Delmont Hair / Makeup Stylist

  • Pittsburgh Makeup by Julie Marckisotto - Delmont PA Wedding

2  Beauty by Joy

Scottdale Hair / Makeup Stylist

Joy Lager is a freelance makeup artist available for on-location work, servicing all areas between Pittsburgh, PA and Morgantown, WV. Bridal makeup is not only her specialty, but her passion!

  • Beauty by Joy - Scottdale PA Wedding

3  Brooke Rockwell Hair Design

Pittsburgh Hair / Makeup Stylist

  • Brooke Rockwell Hair Design - Pittsburgh PA Wedding

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