Shippensburg, PA Weddings

26 Wedding Florists

WedFolio has 26 florists serving Cumberland County, PA, including Shippensburg, Camp Hill, Carlisle, Mechanicsburg, Mount Holly Springs, and Newburg, Pennsylvania.

View All 26 Shippensburg Florists

Featured Florists Serving Shippensburg:

1  Pamela's Flowers

Enola Florist

Pamela's Flowers proudly serves the Enola area. We are family owned and operated. We are committed to offering only the finest floral arrangements and gifts, backed by service that is friendly and prompt.

  • Pamela's Flowers - Enola PA Wedding

2  Floral Legacies

Manchester Florist

We specialize in romantically beautiful wedding and event flowers for your special day. Each bouquet and design is customized to accentuate your style and personality - contemporary or traditional, elegant or casual, exotic or classical - using the freshest, highest quality flowers available.

  • Floral Legacies - Manchester MD Wedding

3  Depot Florist

Martinsburg Florist

Depot Florist is owned and operated by Pam Wagoner, a professionally-trained floral designer since 1978. Founded in 1998, Depot Florist purchased and moved to it’s current location at the corner of West King Street and Tuskegee Drive.

  • Depot Florist - Martinsburg WV Wedding

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