Reading, PA Weddings

5 Wedding Ceremony Musicians

WedFolio has 5 ceremony musicians serving Berks County, PA, including Reading, Bethel, Stony Run, Centerport, Wernersville, and Hamburg, Pennsylvania.

View All 5 Reading Ceremony Musicians

Featured Ceremony Musicians Serving Reading:

1  Betsy Scott Chapman - Harpist

Boyertown Ceremony Musician

Betsy has performed at weddings, funerals, dinners, receptions, and in a variety of church settings.

  • Betsy Scott Chapman - Harpist - Boyertown PA Wedding

2  Nick Doak - Classical Guitar

West Chester Ceremony Musician

  • Nick Doak - Classical Guitar - West Chester PA Wedding

3  Cherrywood String Ensembles

Reading Ceremony Musician

The perfect ensemble for all occasions, Cherrywood String Ensemble provides a variety of options in ensemble size and music type, just to suit your special event.

  • Cherrywood String Ensembles - Reading PA Wedding

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