Philadelphia, PA Weddings

46 Wedding Caterers

WedFolio has 46 caterers serving Philadelphia County, PA, Pennsylvania.

View All 46 Philadelphia Caterers

Featured Caterers Serving Philadelphia:

1  Herb Scott Catering

Philadelphia Caterer

  • Herb Scott Catering - Philadelphia PA Wedding

2  Romano's Catering

Philadelphia Caterer

Romano's Catering is one of Philadelphia's premier wedding caterers. Every year we help more than 200 couples focus on the moment of matrimony, not on details and worries of wedding coordination. With one of our wedding packages, or a custom designed menu that will impress your family and friends, Romano's Catering delivers success for what is the most important day of your lives. More than half our bookings are repeat business! Make an appoinment and you'll see why!

  • Romano's Catering - Philadelphia PA Wedding

3  Brûlée Catering

Philadelphia Caterer

Brûlée Catering provides exclusive culinary services to a growing number of Philadelphia's landmark buildings and cultural event spaces. Brûlée Catering also renowned for its off-premise services, bringing restaurant quality cuisine and top-notch service to your home or the location of your choice. You name the place, we'll make it memorable.

  • Brûlée Catering - Philadelphia PA Wedding

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