East Stroudsburg, PA Weddings

14 Wedding Planners and Coordinators

WedFolio has 14 planners and coordinators serving Monroe County, PA, including East Stroudsburg, Buck Hill Falls, Gilbert, Marshalls Creek, Pocono Lake Preserve, and Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania.

View All 14 East Stroudsburg Planners and Coordinators

Featured Planners and Coordinators Serving East Stroudsburg:

1  Elaborate Parties by Bennett

Madison Planner / Coordinator

Our Mission Statement is the following: Elaborate Parties by Bennett has the ability to inspire ACTION. We ensure that all our events are successful each and every time. We customize our fees based on our client's particular needs. We can make ourselves "adjustable" to any situation that comes along. We make sure to design events with emphasis on details and one that is seamless until the end. We make sure that client satisfaction is our FIRST PRIORITY!

  • Elaborate Parties by Bennett - Madison NJ Wedding

2  Debbie's Designs

East Hanover Planner / Coordinator

Simply put, we aim to create the event that each of our clients envisions. By taking the time to listen to your ideas and concepts and consulting with our experienced team of vendors, we are able to develop a unique, tailored design. We believe in hard work. We work hard for you, and it's truly our pleasure to do so.

  • Debbie's Designs - East Hanover NJ Wedding

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