Chambersburg, PA Weddings

44 Wedding Caterers

WedFolio lists 44 caterers serving Franklin County, PA, including Chambersburg, Dry Run, Lemasters, Orrstown, Saint Thomas, and State Line, Pennsylvania.

View All 44 Chambersburg Caterers

Featured Caterers Serving Chambersburg:

1  Brian’s Catering

Marriottsville Caterer

A full service Marriottsville, Maryland based catering company established in 1995 by Chef Brian Groveman. We can prepare the food, deliver it to your home or reception facility, provide all equipment, and a professional staff eager to serve you and your guests at your next special celebration.

  • Brian’s Catering - Marriottsville MD Wedding

2  GingerBabies Catering

York Caterer

  • GingerBabies Catering - York PA Wedding

3  Culinary Delights By Feist

Leesburg Caterer

  • Culinary Delights By Feist - Leesburg VA Wedding

4  Legends Catering

York Caterer

Legends Catering is Your Wedding Caterer! Focused on the wedding industry to provide everything you need for your wedding reception. The Food, Staff, China, Glassware, Silverware, Linens, Bar Services, & Cakes all in one place. We can also bring the other rentals too if you need them. We travel to your location, set up and cook everything onsite in our fully equipped trailer. We will do everything we can to ensure that your wedding is everything you dreamt it would be. We Guarantee our Service.

  • Legends Catering - York PA Wedding
  • Legends Catering - York PA Wedding  Photo 2
  • Legends Catering - York PA Wedding  Photo 3
  • Legends Catering - York PA Wedding  Photo 4

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