The Dalles, OR Weddings

42 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 42 florists serving Wasco County, OR, including The Dalles, Shaniko, Maupin, Antelope, Tygh Valley, and Mosier, Oregon.

View All 42 The Dalles Florists

Featured Florists Serving The Dalles:

1  Geranium Lake Flowers

Portland Florist

  • Geranium Lake Flowers - Portland OR Wedding

2  Old Town Florist

Portland Florist

Portland Florist, Old Town Florist is a Portland Oregon Florist offering Fresh Flower Arrangements, Wedding Flowers, Tropical, Gift Baskets.

  • Old Town Florist - Portland OR Wedding

3  Emerald Petals

Portland Florist

From a single stem to full floral design for your wedding, Emerald Petals designs eco-friendly creations for any circumstance you can imagine.

  • Emerald Petals - Portland OR Wedding

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