Medford, OR Weddings

4 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 4 florists serving Jackson County, OR, including Medford, Gold Hill, Shady Cove, Central Point, Prospect, and White City, Oregon.

View All 4 Medford Florists

Featured Florists Serving Medford:

1  Flyboy Naturals

Myrtle Creek Florist

  • Flyboy Naturals - Myrtle Creek OR Wedding

2  Westside Florist

Redding Florist

Westside Florist, your local downtown florist! Surround your guests in a floral wonderland with beautiful centerpieces and decorations. Fresh flowers add something special to any celebration. Whether you want a casual gathering on the beach or a more formal evening event, flowers help set the mood. Our designers will work with you to create the look you want for your special day.

  • Westside Florist - Redding CA Wedding

3  Mt. Shasta Florist

Mount Shasta Florist

  • Mt. Shasta Florist - Mount Shasta CA Wedding

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