Klamath Falls, OR Weddings

1 Wedding Entertainers

WedFolio lists 1 entertainers serving Klamath County, OR, including Klamath Falls, Chiloquin, Fort Klamath, Midland, Bonanza, and Crescent Lake, Oregon.

View All 1 Klamath Falls Entertainers

Featured Entertainers Serving Klamath Falls:

1  CBDanceman

Grants Pass Entertainer

Carl Ballou, aka CBDanceman, has been a dance leader for over 30 years. Carl's specialty is taking groups with little or no dance experience and introduce them to the joys of dancing. His programs (about 2 hours long) consist of fun dances everyone can do - with brief instruction from the floor. Carl is also available for private instruction in Basic Ballroom, Custom "Sparkle on Your Wedding Day" Bridal Dance Choreography, and DJ/MC services for Special Events and Weddings.

  • CBDanceman - Grants Pass OR Wedding
  • CBDanceman - Grants Pass OR Wedding  Photo 2
  • CBDanceman - Grants Pass OR Wedding  Photo 3
  • CBDanceman - Grants Pass OR Wedding  Photo 4

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