Oklahoma City, OK Weddings

9 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 9 florists serving Oklahoma County, OK, including Oklahoma City, Edmond, Harrah, Wheatland, Choctaw, and Nicoma Park, Oklahoma.

View All 9 Oklahoma City Florists

Featured Florists Serving Oklahoma City:

1  The French Bouquet

Tulsa Florist

The French Bouquet Tulsa - wedding & event florals.

  • The French Bouquet - Tulsa OK Wedding

2  Ceremonial Blessings

Tulsa Florist

Ceremonial Blessing is a company that specializes in floral and event design. We design custom peices for your wedding (i.e. ceremonies, receptions, aisle, foyer, bridal table, and more) We service the Tulsa Metro area, as well as Muskogee, Claremore, Owasso, and surrounding communities.

  • Ceremonial Blessings - Tulsa OK Wedding

3  Rebecca’s Silver Rose

Oklahoma City Florist

  • Rebecca’s Silver Rose - Oklahoma City OK Wedding

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