Wickliffe, OH Weddings

30 Wedding Caterers

WedFolio has 30 caterers serving Lake County, OH, including Wickliffe, Eastlake, Mentor, Willoughby, Painesville, and Madison, Ohio.

View All 30 Wickliffe Caterers

Featured Caterers Serving Wickliffe:

1  McCoy's Custom Catering

Akron Caterer

  • McCoy's Custom Catering - Akron OH Wedding

2  Bradley's Catering

Akron Caterer

  • Bradley's Catering - Akron OH Wedding

3  TLC Catering

Tallmadge Caterer

TLC Catering, Inc. is one of the premier caterers in the Akron area. Founded by current president Joe Catalano in 1985, TLC Catering, Inc. has served quality food professionally for over 20 years. TLC Catering, Inc. became the exclusive caterers at St. George Fellowship Centre in 1990. They host weddings, seminars, reverse raffles, and many other events.

  • TLC Catering - Tallmadge OH Wedding

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