Piqua, OH Weddings

37 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 37 florists serving Miami County, OH, including Piqua, Troy, Fletcher, Tipp City, Conover, and Pleasant Hill, Ohio.

View All 37 Piqua Florists

Featured Florists Serving Piqua:

1  Foister's Flowers & Gifts

Muncie Florist

Whether you want to convey sympathy, encouragement, love, or simply want to let someone know you care, we have a wide array of bouquets to choose from, or we can put together something special just for you.

  • Foister's Flowers & Gifts - Muncie IN Wedding

2  Fifth Ave. Floral Co.

Columbus Florist

  • Fifth Ave. Floral Co. - Columbus OH Wedding

3  The Flower Shoppe

Dayton Florist

The Flower Shoppe is Miami Valley's premier wedding and event specialist. Give us a call to set up a consultation and let The Flower Shoppe make your wedding or special event an affair to remember with exceptional service and unparalleled style. Browse our galleries of past weddings to get an idea of what we can create for you!

  • The Flower Shoppe - Dayton OH Wedding

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