Canton, OH Weddings

4 Wedding Ceremony Musicians

WedFolio has 4 ceremony musicians serving Stark County, OH, including Canton, Massillon, East Sparta, Magnolia, Navarre, and Waynesburg, Ohio.

View All 4 Canton Ceremony Musicians

Featured Ceremony Musicians Serving Canton:

1  Akron Bagpiper

Akron Ceremony Musician

I am a professional bagpiper in Northeast Ohio (serving Akron, Canton and Cleveland areas). With well over 10 years experience, I am available for bagpiping at weddings, rehearsals and receptions.

  • Akron Bagpiper - Akron OH Wedding

2  Celestial Strings

Aurora Ceremony Musician

  • Celestial Strings - Aurora OH Wedding

3  Silver & Strings Trio

Massillon Ceremony Musician

The Silver & Strings Trio, featuring flute, cello, and piano provides just the right atmosphere for any event. The classically trained trio adds sophistication to any wedding ceremony, while their diverse and expanding repertoire of classical, popular, and jazz favorites keeps any social gathering energized. Performing since 1983, it's members are on the music faculties at the University of Mount Union. Amplification and a piano can be provided for both inside and outside events.

  • Silver & Strings Trio - Massillon OH Wedding

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