Schenectady, NY Weddings

34 Wedding Caterers

WedFolio lists 34 caterers serving Schenectady County, NY, including Schenectady, Quaker Street, Duanesburg, Alplaus, Rotterdam Junction, and Pattersonville, New York.

View All 34 Schenectady Caterers

Featured Caterers Serving Schenectady:

1  Sunrise Specialty Catering

Oneonta Caterer

  • Sunrise Specialty Catering - Oneonta NY Wedding

2  Hattie's Restaurant

Saratoga Springs Caterer

Hattie’s Catering Company is a full service catering company. At Hattie’s, we tailor every function to fit the individual client creating a one of a kind event. From casual backyard picnics to formal weddings, Hattie’s Catering Company is adept and versatile in helping to realize the event of your dreams.

  • Hattie's Restaurant - Saratoga Springs NY Wedding

3  Olde Bryan Inn

Saratoga Springs Caterer

Contact us for more information regarding our Catering Services. For Larger events and catering needs visit our Longfellows website for more information.

  • Olde Bryan Inn - Saratoga Springs NY Wedding

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