Rochester, NY Weddings

35 Wedding Caterers

WedFolio lists 35 caterers serving Monroe County, NY, including Rochester, East Rochester, Honeoye Falls, Penfield, Webster, and Churchville, New York.

View All 35 Rochester Caterers

Featured Caterers Serving Rochester:

1  All Occasions Catering

Buffalo Caterer

Since 2003, we have been arranging all necessary details to cater your most memorable events. To exceed the expectations of your guests, our menu options feature a wide range of ethnic dishes. You may choose from one of our pre-fixed menus or customize a menu to your taste.

  • All Occasions Catering - Buffalo NY Wedding

2  Sully's Catering

Spencerport Caterer

  • Sully's Catering - Spencerport NY Wedding

3  Decisions Catering

Silver Springs Caterer

Decisions is owned and operated by Terry and Leigh Ann Gill. Our primary business is off-site catering. We also operate a deli in Silver Springs, NY featuring our original Grilled Panini Sandwiches along with our regular menu.

  • Decisions Catering - Silver Springs NY Wedding

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