Niagara Falls, NY Weddings

2 Wedding Entertainers

WedFolio lists 2 entertainers serving Niagara County, NY, including Niagara Falls, Lockport, Lewiston, Niagara University, Stella Niagara, and Burt, New York.

View All 2 Niagara Falls Entertainers

Featured Entertainers Serving Niagara Falls:

1  Me & The Boyz

Rochester Entertainer

Me and the Boyz is a seven piece party band in Rochester that performs a wide variety of music for wedding receptions, festivals, corporate events, private parties and clubs. The band plays music from old time standards, 70's disco and funk and today's current top 40 hits. This experienced Rochester party band has combined their musical talent and energetic choreographed live stage show to become Upstate New York' s, most sought after experienced premier party or wedding band for hire.

  • Me & The Boyz - Rochester NY Wedding

2  Danne Farrell - Bag Piper

Buffalo Entertainer

Danne Farrell has been a Great Highland Bagpiper for over 14 years and is one of the most sought after bag pipe players in the Western New York area. Once a member of the Caledonian Pipes & Drums of Buffalo, NY, he is now playing with the innovative Celtic Spirit Pipe Band. The official Tartan Danne wears is the "O'Farrell" Irish Tartan. Other kilts Danne wears are the Royal Stewart and Flower of Scotland Tartans. Danne is an accomplished piper and is a dedicated & serious performer.

  • Danne Farrell - Bag Piper - Buffalo NY Wedding

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