Canton, NY Weddings

24 Wedding Caterers

WedFolio lists 24 caterers serving Saint Lawrence County, NY, including Canton, Potsdam, Chippewa Bay, Richville, Edwards, and Waddington, New York.

View All 24 Canton Caterers

Featured Caterers Serving Canton:

1  McGillicuddy's Irish Ale House

Williston Caterer

McGillicuddy’s Irish Pub has been providing Vermont with high quality distinctive catering for the past 15 years. We can customize a menu for your wedding, corporate event, Christmas parties, or Luncheon. Whether it is 25 people or 500 people, McGillicuddy’s can provide quality fare at a reasonable price.

  • McGillicuddy's Irish Ale House - Williston VT Wedding

2  Adirondack Artisan Catering

Paul Smiths Caterer

  • Adirondack Artisan Catering - Paul Smiths NY Wedding

3  Adirondack Smokehouse Barbecue

Indian Lake Caterer

Adirondack Smokehouse Barbecue Company Restaurant and Catering Service - Indian Lake, NY. We provide on and off premise catering for every type of function.

  • Adirondack Smokehouse Barbecue - Indian Lake NY Wedding

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