Buffalo, NY Weddings

28 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 28 florists serving Erie County, NY, including Buffalo, Tonawanda, Boston, South Wales, Clarence Center, and West Falls, New York.

View All 28 Buffalo Florists

Featured Florists Serving Buffalo:

1  Beverly's Floral & Gifts

Batavia Florist

Our Flower Shop is committed to the highest standards of quality and service. Our extensive association with local Flower Shops across the country allows you to have your fresh flower bouquet or arrangement delivered anywhere United States promptly.

  • Beverly's Floral & Gifts - Batavia NY Wedding

2  Shelly's Florist

Buffalo Florist

For over 50 years, Shelly's Florist has provided excellent and reliable service to WNY. In 1998, it was acquired by the Monaco Family, and is run by the second generation of the family. We are proud to announce the re-opening of our shop on Transit Road in Williamsville in May 2013, and we can't wait to see you in our new place!

  • Shelly's Florist - Buffalo NY Wedding

3  Dianne's Floral

North Tonawanda Florist

  • Dianne's Floral - North Tonawanda NY Wedding

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