Reno, NV Weddings

32 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 32 florists serving Washoe County, NV, including Reno, Sparks, Incline Village, Nixon, Washoe Valley, and Gerlach, Nevada.

View All 32 Reno Florists

Featured Florists Serving Reno:

1  Moana Florist

Sparks Florist

Full service florist for weddings and events serving all budgets. We also sell wholesale bulk flowers for brides doing their own arrangements. We have been in business over 40 years and have been come to be known as the florist that you can count on. Last minute requests no problem. Contact us today for more information.

  • Moana Florist - Sparks NV Wedding

2  LeLe Floral

Antelope Florist

We offer all of your wedding floral needs from the wedding bouquet to fantastic outdoor decorations. Fresh, silk or dried, we have the best prices and the best selections possible. Just tell us what you envision and we will provide you with a complete floral plan.

  • LeLe Floral - Antelope CA Wedding

3  Sparks Florist

Sparks Florist

Fabulous Wedding Flowers. Created Especially for You.

  • Sparks Florist - Sparks NV Wedding

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