Hawthorne, NV Weddings

17 Wedding Caterers

WedFolio has 17 caterers serving Mineral County, NV, including Hawthorne, Schurz, Luning, and Mina, Nevada.

View All 17 Hawthorne Caterers

Featured Caterers Serving Hawthorne:

1  As You Wish Catering

Tahoe City Caterer

  • As You Wish Catering - Tahoe City CA Wedding

2  Pub N Sub

Reno Caterer

Under the direction of Le Cordon Bleu Chef Tyler Mathers, any style of catering is available to our customers. We have catered office lunch parties, tail-gate parties, weddings and everything in between.

  • Pub N Sub - Reno NV Wedding

3  Cherry Bomb Catering

Sparks Caterer

Cherry Bomb takes pride in catering to your desires, taste buds and success! It is attention to detail and dedication in building unique menus, working in various venues, working with dietary and allergy needs while always staying within your budget that makes Cherry Bomb customers continue to come back for seconds!

  • Cherry Bomb Catering - Sparks NV Wedding

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