Paterson, NJ Weddings

37 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 37 florists serving Passaic County, NJ, including Paterson, Clifton, Wayne, Hawthorne, Haledon, and Totowa, New Jersey.

View All 37 Paterson Florists

Featured Florists Serving Paterson:

1  Flowers by Daye

New York Florist

We create floral designs for hotels, parties, weddings, outdoor events, restaurants, movies and offices.

  • Flowers by Daye - New York NY Wedding

2  Beers Flower Shop

Ridgewood Florist

  • Beers Flower Shop - Ridgewood NJ Wedding

3  Designers' Co-op

New York Florist

The Designer’s Co-op, led by creative director Bridget Vizoso, conceives and produces everything from floral decor for weddings and award ceremonies, to lush rooftop gardens and carefully styled editorial still lifes.

  • Designers' Co-op - New York NY Wedding

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