Edison, NJ Weddings

68 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 68 florists serving Middlesex County, NJ, including Edison, New Brunswick, Perth Amboy, South River, Cranbury, and Piscataway, New Jersey.

View All 68 Edison Florists

Featured Florists Serving Edison:

1  Fortune Flowers & Gifts

Brooklyn Florist

  • Fortune Flowers & Gifts - Brooklyn NY Wedding

2  Darryn Murphy - Event Design

Red Bank Florist

Darryn Murphy highly talented and spectacular floral design and event design serving New York, New Jersey, and Georgia.

  • Darryn Murphy - Event Design - Red Bank NJ Wedding

3  Allure Floral Design

Old Bridge Florist

  • Allure Floral Design - Old Bridge NJ Wedding

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