Concord, NH Weddings

33 Wedding Florists

WedFolio has 33 florists serving Merrimack County, NH, including Concord, Chichester, Elkins, Hooksett, Pittsfield, and Warner, New Hampshire.

View All 33 Concord Florists

Featured Florists Serving Concord:

1  Lavender

Groton Florist

Lavender, your Groton, MA wedding florist - offers a wide selection of bridal bouquets, wedding ceremony flowers, floral cake decorations, & centerpieces to fit any budget.

  • Lavender - Groton MA Wedding

2  Atmosphere & Floral Design

Nashua Florist

Specializing in custom Wedding and Event decor and floral designs to fit your vision and needs. We can create the total atmosphere from lighting, floral and linens to just a simple arrangement for the home. Serving all of New England and New York Metro.

  • Atmosphere & Floral Design - Nashua NH Wedding

3  Coll's Garden Center & Florist

Jaffrey Florist

Coll's is a friendly all occasion florist, giving uniquely personalized attention to all of your needs.

  • Coll's Garden Center & Florist - Jaffrey NH Wedding

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