Lincoln, NE Weddings

132 Wedding Photographers

WedFolio has 132 photographers serving Lancaster County, NE, including Lincoln, Hallam, Raymond, Denton, Martell, and Walton, Nebraska.

View All 132 Lincoln Photographers

Featured Photographers Serving Lincoln:

1  Blackbird Hill Photography

Decatur Photographer

Destination weddings & Outdoor weddings are specialties.

  • Blackbird Hill Photography - Decatur NE Wedding

2  Shane & Sunny Photography

Lincoln Photographer

Shane & Sunny Photography, Photographer for Seniors, Weddings, and Children Portraits, Lincoln, Nebraska.

  • Shane & Sunny Photography - Lincoln NE Wedding

3  Capture (Photography by Kayla Stallbaumer)

Seneca Photographer

Capture (Photography by Kayla Stallbaumer) is located in Seneca, Kansas. "I am the type of photographer that drives away from a wedding, dead on my feet, in the pitch black, wishing there was just a little more light to shoot a bit more."

  • Capture (Photography by Kayla Stallbaumer) - Seneca KS Wedding

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