Carrington, ND Weddings

4 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 4 florists serving Foster County, ND, including Carrington, Grace City, McHenry, and Glenfield, North Dakota.

View All 4 Carrington Florists

Featured Florists Serving Carrington:

1  Flower Box

Minot Florist

The staff of the Flower Box fluctuates as do the seasons. There are five full time employees, two to three part time, and one to two delivery drivers. When the holidays hit, the staff number increases to twenty to twenty-five. Flower Box is a professionally run business with a good reputation for servicing the public and providing a quality product.

  • Flower Box - Minot ND Wedding

2  All Seasons Garden Center

Grand Forks Florist

At All Seasons Garden Center, we are committed to quality and service. Our 100% satisfaction Guarantee is our personal commitment to creating long term relationships with our customers. Your satisfaction is our number one priority, not just because it's our job, but because we care.

  • All Seasons Garden Center - Grand Forks ND Wedding

3  Forever Fresh Florals

Sterling Florist

Being one of the area's top cutting edge wedding decorators we also offer a wedding planner, coordinator, decorator & an artificial florist to assist you on your special day. Our custom made flower arrangements are made with only the finest quality artificial flowers which are a great keepsake for the bride's bouquet, the bridal party bouquets', corsages, boutineres, altar arrangements & so much more.

  • Forever Fresh Florals - Sterling ND Wedding

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