Clinton, NC Weddings

16 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 16 florists serving Sampson County, NC, including Clinton, Ivanhoe, Harrells, Salemburg, Autryville, and Newton Grove, North Carolina.

View All 16 Clinton Florists

Featured Florists Serving Clinton:

1  Salt Harbor Designs

Wilmington Florist

Salt Harbor Designs is a premiere event planning and design firm specializing in custom concepts, paper, flowers, and linens. Located in Wilmington, North Carolia, Salt Harbor Designs maintains that every event deserves an artistry and quality unique to the client.

  • Salt Harbor Designs - Wilmington NC Wedding

2  Cheryl's Floral Designs

Goldsboro Florist

  • Cheryl's Floral Designs - Goldsboro NC Wedding

3  A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar

Leland Florist

A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar proudly serves the Leland, Winnabow and All of Wilmington area. We are family owned and operated. We are committed to offering only the finest floral arrangements and gifts, backed by service that is friendly and prompt.

  • A Bouquet From Sweet Nectar - Leland NC Wedding

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