Charlotte, NC Weddings

18 Wedding Planners and Coordinators

WedFolio has 18 planners and coordinators serving Mecklenburg County, NC, including Charlotte, Huntersville, Matthews, Davidson, Newell, and Cornelius, North Carolina.

View All 18 Charlotte Planners and Coordinators

Featured Planners and Coordinators Serving Charlotte:

1  Coordinating Dreams

Advance Planner / Coordinator

Let us help you plan the biggest day of your lives! It takes around 200 hours to plan a wedding do you have that much free time? Owned and operated by Faye Valentine Conlin, originally from England she can bring is new and exciting ideas from both countries to create the most unique weddings, adding a touch of that European glamor and sophistication to any event! We also have a huge range of wedding stationery and invitations. So call us today. Your first consultation is free.

  • Coordinating Dreams - Advance NC Wedding

2  The Graceful Host

Charlotte Planner / Coordinator

The Graceful Host is an event planning, coordination and design company with a focus on the guest experience. This is the core of what entertaining truly is and should be; a catering to your guests, the people you value so much they are on the invite list! Everything that is planned is put through the lens of the guest.

  • The Graceful Host - Charlotte NC Wedding

3  Patrick & Dottie Maloy

Stanley Planner / Coordinator

Although Patrick works with other directors and Dottie works with other ministers, together, they offer a complete package to insure that your wedding ceremony reflects your wishes and that it runs smoothly and effortlessly. Our slogan, "Calm blue water!" is what we want our brides to be throughout the ceremony planning, rehearsal and the ceremony itself.

  • Patrick & Dottie Maloy - Stanley NC Wedding

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