Vicksburg, MS Weddings

1 Wedding Ceremony Musicians

WedFolio has 1 ceremony musicians serving Warren County, MS, including Vicksburg, Redwood, Mississippi.

View All 1 Vicksburg Ceremony Musicians

Featured Ceremony Musicians Serving Vicksburg:

1  Jackson String Quartet

Jackson Ceremony Musician

Jackson Strings, musicians with many years of experience, members of Mississippi Symphony Orchestra are happy to bring beautiful music for your event celebration such as weddings, banquets, corporate events, Christmas and private parties. We offer a wide range of classical and popular repertoire as a string quartet or string trio around Jackson, MS and with the highest quality performances are ready to meet all our clients' needs and make their memorable occasions unforgetable.

  • Jackson String Quartet - Jackson MS Wedding
  • Jackson String Quartet - Jackson MS Wedding  Photo 2
  • Jackson String Quartet - Jackson MS Wedding  Photo 3
  • Jackson String Quartet - Jackson MS Wedding  Photo 4

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