Columbia, MS Weddings

18 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 18 florists serving Marion County, MS, including Columbia, Sandy Hook, Foxworth, and Kokomo, Mississippi.

View All 18 Columbia Florists

Featured Florists Serving Columbia:

1  Nola-Flora

New Orleans Florist

  • Nola-Flora - New Orleans LA Wedding

2  Iris Floral & Event Design Studio

New Orleans Florist

We are all about developing relationships and providing full service floral design for your wedding or special event -- Completely custom designs for all budgets (not packages); we will design your flowers to work with the overall "look" of your wedding; specialty packaging for favors and hotel gift bags with local goodies!

  • Iris Floral & Event Design Studio - New Orleans LA Wedding

3  Harkins, the Florist

New Orleans Florist

  • Harkins, the Florist - New Orleans LA Wedding

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