Liberty, MO Weddings

31 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 31 florists serving Clay County, MO, including Liberty, Kansas City, Missouri City, Excelsior Springs, Mosby, and Kearney, Missouri.

View All 31 Liberty Florists

Featured Florists Serving Liberty:

1  Don Evans Florist

Kansas City Florist

The staff at Don Evans Florist takes great pride in creating beautiful arrangements using only the freshest flowers in Kansas City. When you order from Don Evans Florist, you can be sure to receive a hand-arranged floral bouquet delivered with care. Your special occasions deserve nothing less than a brilliant arrangement from one of the leading flower shops in Kansas City, KS.

  • Don Evans Florist - Kansas City KS Wedding

2  Bergamont & Ivy Design

Kansas City Florist

B+I Design was established as Bergamot & Ivy in 1993 and has been showcasing the world’s most beautiful flowers with innovative fresh floral designs for the home as well as special events and weddings. Located in the historic McQueeny-Lock Building.

  • Bergamont & Ivy Design - Kansas City MO Wedding

3  Village Gardens

Blue Springs Florist

Fresh flowers for any occasion, wedding florals and decor, wedding rental items, same day local and nationwide delivery. unique gifts and home decor.

  • Village Gardens - Blue Springs MO Wedding

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