Cape Girardeau, MO Weddings

26 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 26 florists serving Cape Girardeau County, MO, including Cape Girardeau, Dutchtown, Oak Ridge, Daisy, Jackson, and Whitewater, Missouri.

View All 26 Cape Girardeau Florists

Featured Florists Serving Cape Girardeau:

1  Sisters Floral Design Studio

Saint Louis Florist

  • Sisters Floral Design Studio - Saint Louis MO Wedding

2  Wildflowers

Saint Louis Florist

  • Wildflowers - Saint Louis MO Wedding

3  Lulu McCabe Florist

Ballwin Florist

Lulu's is a floral boutique featuring gourgeous farm fresh flowers, lush plants, gourmet and goodie baskets, balloon bouquets, plush and more! This "Flowerista" will delight you with beautiful, unique gifts for your special occasions. We specialize in events and corporate accounts.

  • Lulu McCabe Florist - Ballwin MO Wedding

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