Austin, MN Weddings

8 Wedding Ceremony Musicians

WedFolio has 8 ceremony musicians serving Mower County, MN, including Austin, Grand Meadow, Rose Creek, Dexter, Lyle, and Waltham, Minnesota.

View All 8 Austin Ceremony Musicians

Featured Ceremony Musicians Serving Austin:

1  Harp By Denise

Lake Elmo Ceremony Musician

  • Harp By Denise - Lake Elmo MN Wedding

2  Pianist for Parties

Minneapolis Ceremony Musician

Minnesota pianist, Sharon Planer, will add a touch of elegance to your wedding ceremony, cocktail, dinner and reception. Portable piano and sound system available. Sharon has provided wedding and party music for 20 years and loves helping each couple find the perfect music for their wedding. Serving the Twin Cities and central Minnesota.

  • Pianist for Parties - Minneapolis MN Wedding

3  Elizabeth Munch, Harpist

Minneapolis Ceremony Musician

Elizabeth Munch is a harpist currently living in Minneapolis, MN. She plays for weddings, parties, and other special events. Liz is also a regular performer with the Wayne Leechford Harp and Sax Duo.

  • Elizabeth Munch, Harpist - Minneapolis MN Wedding

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