Tecumseh, MI Weddings

2 Wedding Reception Musicians

WedFolio has 2 reception musicians serving Lenawee County, MI, including Tecumseh, Cement City, Jasper, Ridgeway, Tipton, and Blissfield, Michigan.

View All 2 Tecumseh Reception Musicians

Featured Reception Musicians Serving Tecumseh:

1  Trilogy Variety Band

Lincoln Park Reception Musician

  • Trilogy Variety Band - Lincoln Park MI Wedding

2  Trilogy The Midwest's Ultimate Variety Band

Dearborn Reception Musician

Trilogy The Midwest's Ultimate Variety Band. Playing all types of music for all types of people. Big band, oldies, motown, classic rock, rock, easy listening, country, jazz, doo-wop & ceremony music. Top shelf entertainment for any wedding. Serving Michigan, Ohio & Indiana since 1992.

  • Trilogy The Midwest's Ultimate Variety Band - Dearborn MI Wedding

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