Cheboygan, MI Weddings

6 Wedding Florists

WedFolio has 6 florists serving Cheboygan County, MI, including Cheboygan, Indian River, Afton, Tower, Mullett Lake, and Burt Lake, Michigan.

View All 6 Cheboygan Florists

Featured Florists Serving Cheboygan:

1  St. Ignace Greenhouse and Florist

Saint Ignace Florist

St. Ignace Greenhouse & Florist has served the St. Ignace and Mackinac areas for over 50 years. Our designs are unique and our flowers fresh. Call and talk to our friendly staff. We sell flowers and arrangements for every occasion.

  • St. Ignace Greenhouse and Florist - Saint Ignace MI Wedding

2  Posh Petals

Grand Marais Florist

Posh follows trends not only in the floral industry, but in fashion, too! Through looking at fashion we can design a color combination that is new and unique! We want to make sure that your wedding flowers stand out!

  • Posh Petals - Grand Marais MI Wedding

3  The Blossom Shop

Traverse City Florist

We are a full service flower shop in Traverse City, Michigan serving Grand Traverse area, specializing in flowers, plants, roses, balloons, silk flowers, silk arrangements, weddings, funerals services, fresh flowers, and dried floral arrangements. We are committed to offering only the best floral arrangements and gifts, backed by service that is friendly and prompt!!

  • The Blossom Shop - Traverse City MI Wedding

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